Supporting responsible seaweed farming for harvest and restoration
Washington Seaweed Collaborative
The Washington Seaweed Collaborative (WSC) is a diverse community committed to the cultivation and conservation of kelp and other seaweeds for commercial, cultural, and environmental purposes. Established in 2020 by a grassroots network of seaweed enthusiasts, it has evolved into an objective-focused program coordinated by Washington Sea Grant, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy and Puget Sound Restoration Fund.
Helping People make informed decisions about seaweed Farming
The WSC supports responsible seaweed farming practices by gathering, synthesizing, and sharing relevant evidence-based information with all people engaged in or concerned with seaweed cultivation in Washington waters (i.e., ‘seaweed constituents’). The WSC aims to:
- Facilitate connections and collaborations within the seaweed community.
- Educate people about the potential benefits of seaweed farming and uses for cultivated seaweed.
- Develop information resources for seaweed constituents.
- Collaborate with authorities to inform constituents about the legal and regulatory context for seaweed farming in Washington.

The Collaborative
Our membership includes tribal, federal, state, and local government representatives, aquaculture practitioners, scientists, restoration experts, and people interested in potential uses for cultivated seaweed.
The WSC is coordinated by Washington Sea Grant, in partnership with Puget Sound Restoration Fund and The Nature Conservancy
The Advisory Committee provides oversight, helps set WSC objectives, elevates constituent concerns, and facilitates coordination with relevant authorities.
WSC Coordinator: Meg Chadsey – Carbon Specialist, Washington Sea Grant
Committee Members:
- Molly Bogeberg – Washington Marine Conservation Manager, The Nature Conservancy
- Laura Butler – Strategic Initiatives Director, WA Dept of Agriculture
- Katy Davis – Biologist, WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
- Jon Kroman – Principal, Blue Dot Sea Farms
- Nik Matsumoto-Grah – Shellfish Biologist, Suquamish Tribe
- Tom Mumford – Phycologist, Marine Agronomics
- Zachary Randell – Research Scientist, Seattle Aquarium
- Noel Sharp – Aquaculture Environmental Planner, WA Dept. of Natural Resources
- Mike Spranger – Co-owner, Pacific Sea Farms
- Jodie Toft – Deputy Director, Puget Sound Restoration Fund
Convening constituents to support informed decision-making about seaweed farming in Washington state waters
Washington Seaweed Knowledge Symposium
December 8, 2022, St. Martin’s University (Lacey, WA)
Hosted by Washington Sea Grant, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy and Puget Sound Restoration Fund
Why a Symposium?
Only a handful of seaweed farms and restoration projects have been permitted in Washington, but there is no shortage of interest in –and questions about– the future of seaweed cultivation in our shared waters. The Washington seaweed community needs reliable information to make informed choices about this future. Constituents also need to recognize where the available information is incomplete or unreliable. Through this symposium, Washington Sea Grant aimed to move the community towards a shared understanding of what is known, and what is not known, about seaweed farming and what it could look like here.
Symposium Objectives
At the end of the day, we hoped symposium participants would 1) have a deeper understanding of Washington seaweed constituents’ interests and concerns; 2) feel better equipped to make responsible decisions about seaweed farming in Washington waters; 3) understand the gaps between the current state of knowledge and aspirational goals for seaweed farming, and 4) be inspired to work together to address information gaps and policy questions.
Get Involved
The WSC welcomes new members who share our vision for responsible seaweed farming, and are looking for ways to engage locally. Involvement can range from attending quarterly WSC meetings to learn and connect with other members, to more active roles as a volunteer or member of an objective-focused work group. Email [email protected] to be added to our mailing list to receive announcements about upcoming meetings and other opportunities.